Will Your School Support Efforts To Stop Thumb Sucking?
Is your child approaching elementary school age and still sucking their thumb? Find out whether their school will support efforts to stop thumb sucking.
Is your child approaching elementary school age and still sucking their thumb? Find out whether their school will support efforts to stop thumb sucking.
It seems like a good idea, but there are reasons why pacifiers are not a solution to thumb-sucking. Learn about more effective ways to stop thumb-sucking.
Babies do weird things, like “startling” and holding their arms like they’re playing a violin. Read all about the sucking reflex in infants.
It may seem cute, but it’s also a health hazard. Learn how thumb sucking puts your child at risk of paronychia, an infection of the skin around fingernails.
While most babies do it, some kids keep sucking their thumbs into adolescence. Understanding the role of genetics in thumb sucking can help parents intervene.