We get this question from time to time and wanted to explain why we do not sell whole-hand gloves, or make devices which can be worn simultaneously together.
Children begin sucking at a young age, and this happens instinctively from a strong drive to self-soothe. When they begin, they do not have a preference for a particular finger, they just want to feel that suction.
However, as time passes, children develop a preference for a particular finger. The more time that passes, the stronger that preference, and the less likely the child would be able to switch to another finger.
Around 3 years of age, we see very low incidences of children switching. However, if a child has an exceptionally strong desire to suck, they might overpower the discomfort present in switching to a new finger (which wouldn’t feel quite the same in their mouth…it’s not what they’re used to!).
Since the vast majority of children will now switch fingers by the time the treatment has started, we have designed our products to be worn individually, i.e., one device per hand.
If your child is under 3, or has a heightened desire to suck, you may see them switch fingers.
There are two options on how to proceed.
- Wait 6 months and try again. This is recommended for cases where the thumb or finger sucking does not cause any immediate secondary issues, such as infections or frequent illness. Waiting 6 months to resume the treatment is an effective idea; it works because the child is allowed to suck their favorite thumb or finger, and over time, a preference is developed for that same digit. In fact, this is the exact reason why older children are less likely to switch. Eventually, when the developed preference is strong enough, the child would not switch digits again because doing so feels uncomfortable for them. If you choose this option, contact us, so we can extend your warranty.
- Use a cheap and breathable cotton glove underneath the TGuard, to cover all of the thumbs and fingers. This idea is recommended when it is preferable to treat the habit right away. To do this, purchase a set of cheap, breathable, cotton fabric gloves. They are sold in pharmacies (for eczema treatment, for example), in arts and crafts or costumes stores (for use in costumes, projects, etc) or even some hardware stores (for gardening). You can also find them by searching “Child white costume gloves” which are sold for Halloween. They should be light and breathable: do not use winter gloves!
Here is an example of the type of glove to look for. The price for this particular item is less than 2 dollars. Once you have these gloves, cut off the thumb or finger sleeve from the glove, which you plan on putting the TGuard over. For example, if you bought an AeroFinger because your child primarily sucks their index and middle fingers, cut off the index and middle fingers from the glove. Then put the glove on. Next, put the TGuard AeroFinger on OVER the glove. At this point, all fingers should be covered by either the TGuard or the glove. There should be no glove material inside of the TGuard tubes (because that material was trimmed off), and therefore, the assembly should be comfortable. When you finish putting the TGuard on, and snapping the bracelet as you normally do, you have now secured the TGuard which will also keep the glove in place.
This effectively covers all of the fingers, and can be utilized on both hands. After 3-6 days, assuming the child has not had any relapse or opportunity to suck, you can likely remove the glove because most children at this point have overcome their desire to suck.