Back To School Shopping? Consider These 5 Unexpected Supplies

thumb sucking appliance Back to School season is officially here. That means parents are on the move for new clothes, shoes, and supplies to give their kids everything they need to succeed in a new school year.

But some helpful Back to School supplies aren’t common as those on your child’s supply list.

5 Unexpected Supplies To Include On Your Child’s Back-To-School List

Every child is unique. What helps one child to do their best in class may not be the best for your child and vice-versa.

That said, consider the five following supplies to include on your child’s Back to School list this year. You never know what may help them do their best.

    1. A re-usable water bottle. Some schools may not allow it, but if possible consider getting your child their own water bottle. It helps them stay hydrated and keeps trips to the water fountain to a minimum so they don’t miss anything in class.
    2. Allergy-safe snacks. Snacks that are allergy-safe and non-perishable are great to include in your child’s backpack every day. You never know when your child may accidentally miss breakfast or only have a little time to eat their lunch because they were talking with friends.
    3. Headphones. In today’s classroom, your child will have computer time. When they have their own headphones, they can avoid being exposed to bacteria from other children.
    4. A fidget toy. Fidget toys are great for young children with ADHD and Autism because it helps them focus on their work. Be sure to tell your child’s teacher that your child plans to use one during the school year to keep them from thinking it’s a distraction.
    5. A plastic thumb guard. Thumb sucking can help to boost your child’s immune system by exposing them to allergens in their early years. But once they go to school, it could expose them to bacteria that could make them sick.



Why are thumb sucking deterrents recommended?

Teeth are considered to be the second biggest insecurity for Americans after weight. Thumb sucking can cause children to suffer from overbites and underbites if parents don’t intervene by the time the child’s teeth begin to grow in.

Fortunately, parents can use thumb sucking appliances like the TGuard Classic to help stop finger sucking. To learn more about thumb sucking appliances like the TGuard finger guard, contact T Guard today.