Bullying and Thumb Sucking: The Social Impact of the Habit on Children
By David Hutto Picture a child in first grade standing on a school playground, watching other children kick a ball. The child wants to play and moves toward the other…
By David Hutto Picture a child in first grade standing on a school playground, watching other children kick a ball. The child wants to play and moves toward the other…
by David Hutto While the sight of a child sucking the thumb may evoke an image of innocence, the harmful effects of prolonged thumb sucking can be severe. If the…
By David Hutto The word “occlusion” is used to describe the way the upper and lower teeth fit together. The best fit is when the upper teeth slightly fit over the…
By David Hutto All people are born with a natural sucking instinct, so that a newborn when placed to the mother’s breast is able to feed from birth. In addition…