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A Brief Look at the Negative Effects of Overbites in Kids

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Overbites occur when the upper front teeth significantly overlap the lower front teeth and are more than just cosmetic issues in children. While this dental issue can result from genetics, specific behaviors such as prolonged thumb sucking can also contribute to the development of an overbite. As a parent, it is important to understand the impact an overbite can have on your child’s oral health and overall well-being. Let’s take a brief look at the negative effects of overbites in kids.

Tooth Erosion

Overbites contribute heavily to tooth erosion in kids because the constant friction between the upper and lower teeth wears down the enamel. Since enamel is a natural barrier against bacteria and plaque, its erosion makes children more susceptible to cavities and tooth decay.

Furthermore, the weakening of the enamel can lead to tooth sensitivity, making it difficult for kids to enjoy certain foods and drinks. Even drinking a cold glass of water can sometimes feel uncomfortable due to the exposed tooth nerves. Treatments may include dental sealants or more complex procedures to restore the enamel layer.

Jaw Pain and Misalignment

Overbites can cause significant jaw pain and misalignment issues. When a child has an overbite, the upper and lower jaws do not align correctly, putting excessive strain on the jaw muscles.

Over time, this misalignment can lead to chronic temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. These disorders manifest as frequent headaches, earaches, and even neck pain in some scenarios. Addressing this early in your child’s life can prevent long-term complications. Orthodontic treatments, such as braces or aligners, often help correct these structural issues.

Speech Impediments

The positioning of the teeth plays a crucial role in forming sounds, so an overbite can also impede speech development. Some children with overbites struggle with common speech issues such as lisping and difficulty forming “s” and “th” sounds.

Speech therapy might be necessary to correct these impediments. Timely orthodontic treatment can also mitigate these speech issues by aligning the teeth properly.

Self-Esteem Issues

Considering a child’s self-esteem is crucial when examining the negative effects of overbites. Every child wants to fit in with their peers, and having an overbite can be a source of embarrassment for some kids. Children with overbites may feel self-conscious about their smile or jaw structure if it is noticeably different from their friends.

Likewise, struggling to pronounce certain words or phonetics can make some children self-conscious about speaking in public. This can negatively impact a child’s confidence and self-esteem, affecting their social interactions and overall well-being.

Prevent Thumb Sucking

Although thumb sucking is a natural part of infancy, it shouldn’t continue beyond toddlerhood. Sucking on a thumb or fingers for extended periods can alter the growth of teeth and jaw, sometimes leading to an overbite.

T Guard sells devices to stop thumb sucking, like the AeroThumb or AeroFinger. Take preemptive measures to help your child kick the habit and prevent potential overbite issues in the future.